The Red Thread

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break." -Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

here she is...

We are absolutely overyjoyed...happy isn't a big enough word. Introducimg our daughter Hildy Ellen Zi Jie Brunsch. She was born on March 23, 2009 in Qi Chun, near Wuhan, Hubei Province. There have been many tears, smiles and much joy in the Brunsch household tonight. We will be given her whole file once it is translated and have her picture to stare at until then... We hope to travel in April to bring her home. Thank you to everyone for your love and support along this journey. One step closer to holding her...


  1. Congrats on your beautiful baby. Kim from RQ

  2. hihi so funny, I'm a complete stranger, also an adoptive mom who reads RQ, I saw your daughter and just wanted to say she's darn cute! :o)
    love Hanneke from Holland

  3. I love her and her pouty little lips...

  4. What a precious little peanut! Congratulations.

    Susan, mom to Rachel Shu-Ting, born 1-17-06 in Hunan

  5. Congrats. What a cutie. Our daughter is from Hubei. Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions about Wuhan, Hubei. Your journey is just beginning.

  6. What a precious little thing! Congratulations.

  7. Although we got our daughter in August 2008, this picture brings back so many memories as it looks identical to the same chair our daughter was sitting in with her referral pic. Our daughter is also from Qichun. I am looking very forward to following your blog for your trip. In Wuhan, our hotel was the best hotel we had ever stayed in, which was not what we was expecting. Total luxury and made our lives much easier. If you would like to take a look on our trip feel free. Maybe it can give you a glimpse of what it will be like for you. We took many pictures throughout our trip. I know it was very important and exciting for me to find others who had gone before me and also stayed in the same area. Our blog is Would love for you to email me if you would like. Email is May these days and months in the near future be the most wonderful time ever! Nikki

  8. Hello and congrats! Our older daughter Jia is from Qichun as well! If you haven't found it already, there is a great Yahoo group for Qichun families called QichunHubeiPRC. Feel free to contact me if you search for it and cannot find it. You can reach me at rydley dot gmail dot com.

    I wish you well and look forward to following your journey!

  9. Our baby girl is from Hubei! AND is a spicey little one for sure.

    She is beautiful and I know you cannot wait to bring her home. Congrats

  10. She is beautiful. Congratulations and I hope you get to travel quickly.
    Kendra W4O

  11. Your daughter is adorable. We have a daughter from Qi Chun as well. She is 7 now! Congratulations!

